Updated Staement Sept \\\'20




Following recent rules changes by the FA and the proposed start of the season, Seaham Red Star FC wish to announce our facilities are COVID secure.  A COVID 19 Risk Assessment is now displayed on our club webpage, and a copy is displayed on the premises. There are some important points that all visitors need to be aware of when attending our premises:

IMPORTANT NOTE: All spectators EXCEPT children under 11 or those who have a health exemption, must wear a face covering.

For games played from the 26 September, the number of spectators will be 150.

  • The opposition team must provide a list of all team officials and players to the Secretary
  • Tickets will go on sale prior to the game – details will be issued by the club website.
  • Upon arrival to matches please appreciate you may have to wait/queue to enter the ground. You will be required to show proof of entry by showing your ticket. No ticket no entry. You will then need to give your details ie name and contact number in case the NHS Track and Trace procedures have to be invoked, failure to do so will mean you will be refused entry. These details will be kept securely for 21 days and then destroyed. The NHS QR code is now displayed at the ground. It is advised that anyone visiting the ground download the NHS COVID19 App and scan the code of arrival. For any queries please visit covid19nhs.ukOnce in the ground Social Distancing must be adhered to. To avoid congestion – there shall be no spectators in the area directly to the front of the catering hut.
  • Unsold tickets will be sold through the gate. Correct admission fee for games would be appreciated to limit the handling of cash.
  • The Supporters Club will only be available for season ticket holders, members and opposition officials with a Northern league pass, to gain access relevant documentation must be produced. A one way system will be in operation
  • The seated area in the bar will be closed one hour before kick off although take away drinks will be available. Hand sanitisers will be in place for use by all. Social Distancing must be adhered to at all times.
  • The outdoor Catering Hut will be open during all games. Whilst you are waiting in the queue Social Distancing must be observed. Hand sanitising facilities must be used. 
  • Home and Away teams are restricted to 11 players plus  team officials in the changing rooms at one time. To allow for ventilation changing room doors must be keep open at all times. Match official changing rooms doors must also be kept ajar. Toilets and hand washing facilities can be used. It is advised that all players and officials wash their hands immediately before and after games and using the hand sanitisers before they leave the facility. Showers can be used with two at a time only.
  • For Kick Off – teams will enter the field of play in single file behind the match officials with the Match Officials leading.
  • A Team Sheet will be displayed, and the team will be announced prior to the start of the game and will be displayed on social media platforms.
  • The main stand will remain open to spectators and Social Distancing rules should be adhered too at all times..
  • No spitting.
  • Pre and post handshakes are prohibited.
  • Goal celebrations must be kept to a minimum.
  • The ball must be sanitised once it goes out of play and before it returns onto the pitch.
  • A hand sanitising station will be available for use by the spectators and we strongly advise it to be used. During games spectators will need to keep the correct distance from others.
  • When leaving the game, spectators need to leave the facilities in an orderly manner whilst following Social Distancing rules at all times.
  • Any one not respecting the rules will be asked to leave.

We ask anyone who is unwell with a temperature over 37.8, a sore throat or a new continuous cough, loss of taste or smell or who has been in contact with anyone known to have the virus not to enter the Football Club. This also applies to anyone who has returned from a Country where quarantine procedures are in place or where someone has been contacted by NHS track and trace.

We accept this is completely different and will form our “new norm” at this ground. As rules change we will look to amend our club RA and club statement. Seaham Red Star FC take measures to prevent the spread of this virus extremely seriously and therefore request that anyone attending games follow the rules required. All of our volunteers are unpaid, therefore, anyone displaying unacceptable behaviours will be asked to leave.